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> Rally held in Allentown PA calling to Impeach Bush

8 June 2005, 08:00

You can’t fix a problem until you first KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM IS! That is the biggest problem of all in the USA- brainwashed for 50 years by TV news, and apparently enjoying it. USA people don’t want to know the facts. They like being lied to. You think not? When how else could Christianity be so successful? Hey, it’s great people care enough to get out on the street and make some noise and TRY to send a message. I salute those people, but even if they got their wish, and the House brought impeachment, and the Senate conviced King George, what good would it do? And even if the #2 crook, V.P, were included and he was bounced out as well, where would we be? The Speaker of the House becomes president, and what credentials does the Speaker have? When has HE followed the wisdom of Washington, Jefferson, Andrew Jackson? Not in your lifetime or mine!!!