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> Former Bush Team Member Says WTC Collapse Likely A Controlled Demolition And "Inside Job"

14 June 2005, 05:17

I detect some reason in your post. However your first paragraph make the point - the WTC was hit by airplanes and it’s on tape. You are also correct with regard to the benefit of the damage information - that is what the Purdue project was all about.

Corporations (U.S. and other) are owned by citizens through the equities markets. Every one (in the U.S. at least) is under SEC rule and must divuldge key information about their activities and financial details. Last but not least, these corporations provide the jobs and employment that makes the global economy run. You may not work directly for one of these companies, but I can assure you with rare exception, your job and welfare depends on their success. A certain segment of our society is quick to buy into conspiracies and demonize corporations, the irony is that at the end of the day WE are the corporations. It’s time to stop trying to undermine our country and start supporting the efforts to make some order out of the chaos.