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> Former Bush Team Member Says WTC Collapse Likely A Controlled Demolition And "Inside Job"

17 June 2005, 18:17

Oh, do, please, enlighten us with your TV wisdom, little TV Free-pee 68.***.99.**, so we may all worship the news from the television set, just like you!

And show us more of your photos of the charred and bloody metal from the WTC, little photo-phreeper 24.**.161.***, and all your photos from the autopsies of the volunteers who have since died, so all Humanity may appreciate the gravity of that day without ever demeaning it, just like you!

And demonstrate for the entire world the wizardry of your amazing math, O’ Freeper ‘architect and engineer’ 152.***.100.***, by revealing how, after watching only three episodes of “NUMBERS” on television, we can scribble some numbers and symbols on a page that will resolve all questions about 9/11, just like you!

And because of your collective labors, it will be proved for the entire world to see and know beyond the shadow of all doubt that 9/11 was committed by a caveman and 19 recruits, even though the caveman and 6 of the recruits survived and are still alive and well today!


While we’re all waiting, in the meantime, everyone should kick back and relax while reading The Complete Grimm’s Fairy Tales; that way, we will all be educated into the mindsets of little TV Free-pee 68.***.99.**, and little photo-phreeper 24.**.161.*** and Freeper ‘architect and engineer’ 152.***.100.***! Go ahead, Freepers: BAFFLE US WITH YOUR BULLSHIT!