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> Former Bush Team Member Says WTC Collapse Likely A Controlled Demolition And "Inside Job"

31 December 2005, 19:02

I suspected from the beginning that 9/11 was an inside job. I have watched the government lie about too many things. I knew they would create a false cronology. I believe that around 2007 or maybe sooner the Bush house of cards will began to crack, people are beginning to wake up and see that things the government explains just does not add up. At long last people are beginning to see through their bogus schemes. 9/11 appears to have been a set up to rile the people to a war mode which the Bush administration wanted all along, a Pearl Harbar type event. In my view, Bush and his Neo Con handlers are Nazis, and if you view them from that vantage point, you can expect them to do as Nazis always do, that is operate through False Flag operations, thus their actions become very predictible. Hitler did a false flag operation on Poland in order to kick off WWII, you can expect American’s Neo Cons to operate in the same manner.