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> House of Representatives announces formation of Out of Iraq caucus - June 21, 2005

5 August 2005, 05:27


If you are so supportive of Bush’s War in Iraq, then why aren’t you, or your sons and daughters, there in the middle of the fighting, in harms way. How many sons’ and daughters’ and family members does Bush or members of his administration, have serving in the military in Iraq? I hear NONE! Or why haven’t you called the families of the 24 soldiers killed so far this week, telling them you support Bush’s illegal war. And that they were in an water landing vehicle, with little if any armor, and totally inappropriate and unsafe for the type of patrol they were conducting. If our country sends our men and women to war, the government should provide them with the equipment they need to be safe. This is not by any means the first time this has happened. It has been more the norm than than the exception Also, the Downing Street Memo of July 23, 2002, proves that Bush lied to the American people, the Congress and the World, about going to war in Iraq. I think Bush should be impeached. If you want to know what the real truth is about Iraq, or what the soldiers are saying about it based on their experience there, check out Operation Truth at optruth.org. By the way, I am a 70+ yr old native Texan, and my 39 yr old daughter just returned from a yr and a half in Iraq. I wish Bush would stop pretending he is a Texan. He is giving Texas a very bad name! GP