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> WTC Basement Blast And Injured Burn Victim Blows ’Official 9/11 Story’ Sky High

26 June 2005, 05:25

This Administration has proven their part in Sept. 11 by fighting a Sept. 11 Commission.
I saw the buildings go down that day, and that is what they did GO DOWN!! I have seen many a fire and the buildings burn for a while and parts may topple...these buildings implodedand left cement dust everywhere. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to say, as I did "this looks different then a fire."
I have read reports that the Trade Towers had been closed a weekend or so before 9/11 and noone was allowed entry, and the guards thought this to be very unusual.Not so unusual if explosives are being planted. Also there are recordings on the seismic charts that indicate ground movement(or explosions) before the planes hit.
Why no Norad?
I never accepted the whole story behind this and saw it for what it was... a justification to take away our rights and start wars (for money and power).
Noone should accept the OBL story, why did they wait so long to go after him, it seems they knew it was him a few minutes after the planes went in to the towers. Just so happens they were very quick to want to secure the major oil pipeline in Afghanistan.
Let’s DEMAND answers!! This is the most horrible crime imaginable and those guity of it should be imprisoned!