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> WTC Basement Blast And Injured Burn Victim Blows ’Official 9/11 Story’ Sky High

30 June 2005, 19:27

Rodriguez reported seeing an Arab looking man scouting the WTC building. Since the Massad or illegal Israelis were caught with explosive traces/controllers and cheering when the towers exploded, couldn’t they have been involved? Who would know the difference?

Ashcroft announced in very quick time that the "terrorists" were mostly Saudi Arabians, etc. If he knew who they were why weren’t they picked up before the event? Some named didn’t die, ID declared wrong by Saudi Arabia and the FBI. The 911 Commission covered this story up.

It was reported by Rodriguez that sounds were coming from a closed off floor in the building. Repairs were done in the building having them closed off. Also refusal to allow bomb sniffing dogs in the building is a very big clue that it had bombs. It was also planned by the owners.

Same with the student training in Florida who didn’t know how to fly or speak the same languages as the real person registered in the flight school. He was declared incompetant by the teachers.

Nope..the dots don’t lead to Afhganistan, Bin Laden, Suddam, Iraq, Syria, or Egypt...Islamic countries but to Israel and our own government’s knowledge and co-operation. It had to be an inside job when you look at all the information and events.