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> WTC Basement Blast And Injured Burn Victim Blows ’Official 9/11 Story’ Sky High

23 June 2006, 21:54

It really sickens me to see how you dillitants wallow in this conspiracy theory garbage - because your pathetic minds can’t handle the fact that some outside entity attacked our nation - AND ADMITTED TO IT ON TAPE. But no, you’re more willing to convict without triel our leaders - who last time I checked were democratically elected by the people. (and save your Florida remarkes because your benighted hero JFK pretty much rode to office on the backs of all the dead Chicagoans who managed to rise for one more election at the behest of Mayor Daleyu and the mob. This nonsense cheapens the memory of those who were killed.

As for this "evidence" it’s well know that a aviation fuel poured down the elevator shafts and exploded in imact with the ground floors. It’s been well documented but you people chose to cherry-pick evidence to suit your warped belief system.

And one more thing. I’ve seen the Zapruder film and sorry to disappoint you, it was Oswald that did the shooting.