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> WTC Basement Blast And Injured Burn Victim Blows ’Official 9/11 Story’ Sky High

12 September 2006, 19:58

161 18, I don’t know where you’re coming from in terms of whether you believe that the 19 Muslim hijacker conspiracy is true - I don’t - but I have to agree with you that the idea that the two towers were brought down by controlled demolition is hard to swallow. I think the open floor plan design of the towers - unique for such tall structures - lent itself to the progressive pancaking of the floors, started by the weakened condition of the building at and above the points of impact. However, no one has adequately explained why the two central cores also failed simultaneously with the floors and the outer skins of the buildings. To my mind, at least some of the two cores should have been left standing. On the other hand, WTC 7 shows the classic characteristics of a planned implosion demolition. The simultaneous failure of the main support columns, that led to the symmetrical collapse, was either a million to one occurrance - very unlikely - or the result of high explosives.