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> WTC Basement Blast And Injured Burn Victim Blows ’Official 9/11 Story’ Sky High

13 September 2006, 16:56

What I don’t understand in all this is the government’s zero-response to being questioned too closely over the official explanation.
Are the government intent upon lowering their own credibility? If they had nothing to hide, then surely a more open response to all the questions surrounding these attacks would be forthcoming?
There are just too many examples of ’ignored’ evidence - whatever one thinks of the official explanation.
We deserve more. We deserve better.
We do not deserve the ’Patriot’s Act’. How dare they call it that! Let US, the American people, decide if the act is ’patriotic’ or not.

America may be ’richer’ as a consequence of the WTC collapses, but richer in....what?
Is this our choice? IS this democracy?