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> WTC Basement Blast And Injured Burn Victim Blows ’Official 9/11 Story’ Sky High

1 June 2007, 07:37

One thing is for sure, William Rodriguez was actually there and experienced all of this. There are many who will confirm that explosions occured in the basement of the WTC towers. In certain videos, you can actually see white smoke rising from the base of the tower. Where there’s smoke there’s fire! Or in that case explosions. Many survivors report explosions. Not just one. Even firemen, police, and other emergency workers report these. People who try and debunk these claims were not there in the WTC while it happened. How do they know? I support Rodriguez for what he is doing. Likewise with the LC crew. They are trying to expose a major lie. I believe in the Bible and it is very clear that God will punish those who lie and suppress the truth. This group involved in this cover-up along with those who wired WTC 1,2 and 7, and the clean-up crew at Ground Zero will be judged someday for this. Maybe not in this lifetime, but for sure the next. If Pres. Bush is really the christain man he claims to be, he must expose this lie or else he becomes part of it! And right now he is part of this lie. I beleive that Bush knows 9/11 was an inside job, why doesn’t he say anything or have top military officials court martialed that were involved. Once you tell a lie you have to keep telling more lies to cover-up the other lies and before you know it, it all catches up to you. We found no WMD in Iraq, ahhohhh!! What ever happened to Bin Laden? Is he dead or alive? Our lives will never be the same since 9/11. I guess that means we’ll continue to watch our freedoms go away one-by-one.