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3 July 2005, 16:06

>>10,000 deaths of gulf war one veterans in the period from then till now.
>I don’t catch what you mean to say,sorry. I’m not native English reader.
>>or the sudden explosion of birth defects and cancers in Iraq.?
>There is no evidence of the the sudden explosion of birth defects and cancers in Iraq. The statistics taken in the Hussein administration are not believable and anyone have not another evidence, are you?
>And, if the data is true, the cause of explosion is due to not only depleted uranium, but also another reasons.
>For example, do you know the fire disaster depend on destroyed oil field, and how many tar or another chemical poisons ware spread to the field of Iraq?

Are you happy ?
There are satelite photos with false-colors showig the contamination radioactiv before and after Gulfwar 1991/1992 and now the same for the second.

I am Lieutenant in the french Army (DGSE) and I was 1992/1993 in Iraq and the birth defects and cancers are 100% result of DU ammunition.

Fuck on you liar!!!

OK, I will die, because a kidneyfail and undfortunatly I must make the dialyse 3 times a week, but if I can, I would go to Iraq/Iran/Syria to fight against the american Terrorists.

Michel Clairmont
Ex Lt. Legion Etrangere Francais
Ex Lt. Direction Generale de la Securité Francais