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> We’ll bring our troops home, whether Bush likes it or not

9 July 2005, 15:40

Because Iraq was the epicenter of terrorist funding through the food for oil program. They were paying the Palestinians when they got their kids to ’martyr’ themselves. Al-Qaeda was in Iraq for quite a while because they weren’t really welcome anywhere but Afghanistan and Iraq. There was only one terrorist training facility in the world regarding how to take over a plane with unconventional weapons. ie knives etc. That facility was at Salmen Pak. In case you failed geography too that facility was located in Iraq. The Dufour report so often spoken of by you leftists mentions the ties to Al Qaeda and Iraq. Now one last parting shot. My reality is much more real than your fantasy world. I have one in Iraq and one going back as soon as he returns. You go ahead and play like they aren’t really there if it makes you feel more like a man.
R A Hawkins entropical-paradise.com