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> Cui bono? Stupidity Versus Logic in the Latest “Terror” Attack

8 July 2005, 16:38

amen, brother. these kooks and their inane facil thoeries make me first laugh, and then pity them. they just cant grasp that the terrorists actually hate western civilization and want to kill all poeple who ascribe to it. they just cant grasp it. what it is is what it is. its too easy, eh? well, some folks are simple, they mean what they say, ands they say what they mean. the conspiracy theorist dont understand this becasue they apply what they know of human nature (themselves) and dont get it becasue they DONT do that. they dont say what they mean. they are deceptive, in the least to themselves, and assume the rest of the world does the same thing. its is a wonder to watch them figuratively self-immolate though. when al-qaeda SAYS they attacked the worlds trade center becasue of the somalia pullout, they hear that pacifism will work. when al-qaeda SAYS they kill americans becasue of presence in suadi and western decadence and 700 years of infadel oppression, they (the conspiracusts) hear its because america has too much money and wants to steal their oil. they just dont listen. too bad. but the good news is, the kooks dont run the show, and the louder they scream their inanities, the more marginalized they become. so scream on, i say! let the conspiracies ring loud!! peace.