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> Cui bono? Stupidity Versus Logic in the Latest “Terror” Attack

10 July 2005, 12:24

I applaud the writer of this piece "cui bono". Anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of criminal investigation — why this target?, what were the possible motives?, who possessed the skill and resources?, and lastly, who stood the most to benefit? — will be led to the inevitable conclusion that the CIA/USA Secret Government pulled off another sinister act in its continuing drama of terror against all of humankind.

Everyone should remember that Al Qaida has from its very inception been the bastard child if not pet offspring of CIA Secret Operations right alongside the Taliban. They were recruited, armed, inspired and trained by the CIA. In point of fact, the CIA project in Afghanistan and which was originally directed against the Soviet Union, was the largest in the Agency’s history. Since the Cold War ended, the CIA, in a stroke of Mafioso brilliance, has turned upon its former hitmen and lackeys and subsequently portrayed them as "Islamic fundamentalists" and "the enemies of civilization."

Anyone with an iota of common sense and who can think for himself should be able to see through the veneer of this "terrorist" hoax and seek to identify the real culprits. The perpetrators of this evil are far more likely to be Anglo-bodied CIA men wearing business suits than pious Muslims on their way to work. If there is any Underground video-tape footage, you can be sure that it will be confiscated and destroyed —or at least doctored and forged — to disguise the real truth of the matter.

Tyrants and fascists always require an enemy to scapegoat in order to pursue their vicious schemes of imperial conquest and world domination. Hitler chose the Jews. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union and any country so unfortunate as to be in liaison with the Soviets provided a convenient pretense for American militarism. Now it is the Muslim and Arab world, because they are so unfortunate as to be living on top of two-thirds of the world’s oil reserves or they are even more unfortunate as to have been born in Palestine.

Otherwise, if the pundits and experts can know their terrorist enemy so well that they can tell us the color of their eyes, then why is that after four years of the greatest, most expensive dragnet in international history they have been unable to recover even ONE Al-Qaida suspect?


Because Al Qaida doesn’t really exist!

The so-called terrorist actions attributed to Al Qaida are in actuality carried out by CIA operatives to give that impression and thus befool the American and British public into kowtowing to the bidding of their idiot dictators.

Who are the real culprits behind these horrendous acts then? The terrorists may very well be religious fundamentalists, but they are almost certainly not Muslim or Arabs...

Pay no attention to the detractors, as they are probably paid agents of the state meant to disparage and cause dissent. The dogs may bark, but the caravan must move on.
People wake up and unite!