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> Tony Blair Ordered The London Bombings

15 July 2005, 16:20

Ahhhh, we sick, tree hugging conspiracy theorists! Aen’t we a motley crew. You’re right, I AM sick. I’m sick of being lied to by the government that is supposed to represent the people of a nation, not their self interests, greed and lust for power. I’m sick of the "Terrorist attacks" on innocent people by certain ones just to advance their agenda. I’m sick of the poisions that are introduced into food and water such as artificial sweeteners in "diet" food and beverages and the floride in water and toothpaste that is touted as "good to strenghten teeth" but in reality is a mind deadener and has nothing to do with dental health. I’d be willing to bet that most of you didn’t know that it was used as a rodent control agent years ago did you? We "conspiracy theorists" aren’t the ones that are making the world a bad place. We’re actually trying to save it, if there is any saving it left. If you "conspiracy theorist" haters would actually do some real research with an open mind instead of reading a couple articles such as this one and locking up your mind and saying "conspiracy stuff", and read more articles and other information, (some of it comes from very reliable sources.), maybe you just might understand what’s really going on in YOUR world.

And you’re right again. There ARE some evil people out there. That’s what we’re trying to do, shed light on them and expose them for what they REALLY are. As long as you believe all the propaganda in the controlled media, or read THESE articles with a CLOSED mind, there is no way you’re going to get at the truth of what’s going on. Stop being a sheep.

And what’s wrong with hugging trees? Don’t you like them? I do, along with all other life on the planet. Does that make me evil? If it does, then I don’t wanna be "good" because I know what sustains my life. Do you?