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> Tony Blair Ordered The London Bombings

15 July 2005, 18:46

Wow man, I don’t spend much time in blogs and I rarely post in them but I just wanna say that that was an EXCELLENT post which really explained where us "conspiracy theorists" are coming from in a way that I probably couldn’t have put into words.

I have a suggestion for those of you who seem to respond with hostility to those who criticise us. Remember that YOU know that you are not belittling the innocent victims by seeking the truth, so it doesn’t matter if somebody ELSE THINKS that your agenda is to belittle them (if it is your agenda, shame on you). Yes, it makes you angry that they accuse you of this, but when you react in same low-level hostility that they are in, you are doing exactly what they want. Remain professional, stick to the facts, and don’t be baited by their attempts to reduce the argument to nonsense & name-calling.

And especially understand that a lot of these people know deep down that what you’re saying COULD be true and it FRIGHTENS THEM TO DEATH, not so much because of the fact that their government is corrupt, but actually because they may have to come face-to-face with the possibility that THEY WERE DECEIVED INTO BELIEVING that their government was NOT corrupt. Some people put up massive resistance against ever admitting to being deceived, even to themselves. So, forgive these people for the way they would insult you or attack you, and respond with love, no matter how much they try to tell you it’s "hate".