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> Tony Blair Ordered The London Bombings

16 July 2005, 02:53

you write:

We are presenting you with facts and evidence of a cover-up and a pattern of behavior, and all you can do in reply is get indignant and attack us personally. We know that these are uneasy topics and most of us felt the same way you do at one point; but the lies can only be stretched so far. To say that those who are pressing for truth are dis-respecting the dead is just rediculous - nobody is trying to tread on their memories. When the truth turns out to be something in between the official story and the ’conspiracy theories’; I beleive that those who forced the government to admit their part will be celebrated as heroes while you who have swallowed the entire lie will be shown for the pussies you are.

As I am sure you are aware, it is extremely difficult for most people to accept the fact that those that they entrust (governments, et al) to basically ’protect their welfare’ and ’appear to be intelligent and generally OK human beings’ in the public domain are often doing just the opposite of that, and are so weak of character that they repeatedly emesh themselves and their citizens in the most egregious behind the scenes agreements and activities. Just like the abusive parent or authority figure, the child still longs for parental approval, love and protection. Human beings generally want to ’believe’ in goodness in all people, their spirit (unless they are completely corrupt) looks upward and outward for redemption either personally and/or universally. The long story of human history repeats this Shakesperean drama of love, power, corruption, betrayal almost like clockwork-and still with every new millennia people look for the ’silver lining’ out of the chaos of human activity. Unfortunately, over and over powerful leadership abuses its citizenry-in one form or another-but, it is still abuse-and the kids still keep investing trust in their leaders.
I really get what you are saying...really, but I have given up trying to ’convince the masses’ - it is frightening to wake up to this reality, so I have to respect in the people - we all have that fear.