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> London plot thickens, as does propaganda

21 July 2005, 04:14

Corporations are the bad guys you say! Well lets take a look if we should keep them around or give them the boot.

The computer you are using to type and post your messages on all came from corporations. The internet service provider you use to get your messages up to post is also a corporation. The chair and desk you sit at, the lamp, the room your in, and the building and or house you are in all were provided or built by corporations. Even the paper you use when on the toilet. Even the toilet. And so it goes.

Corporations provide services and most do it very well. They have to or they go out of business. Corporations allow competition. The competition continual improves the products. The bar of excellance is raising all the time. And the big plus is it creates a lower overall price for us as consumers.

Corporations employ billions of people and their families all over the world everyday. They purchase their parts and or products or services and make or enhance the product for the consumer market. In fact corporations are credited with every advancement know to man including the sciences. Now, if you want socialist state where the government makes and sells everything for you, please tell me in what socialist county (at any time in history) can you use as an example that has benefited man more then the corporations?

Get a job, or start your own corporation and take all the chances with your money that every corporation has had to risk. Get in the competitive game. Or is that a bit too scary for you? Grow up