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> Paris’s poor struggle to find decent homes

29 July 2005, 19:12

It is truly sad that as we all see the excess the few have, the masses have none. The heart of the problem lies in overpopulation however. To think that if everyone was granted a life that was enjoyable and had community (connection) things would be great, is naive. In nature if there is plenty of food for a species the population expands, then levels off to be in line with the availability of food. What? we’re not animals? When will the world do something about the real issue. We neuter our dogs and cats as to not be overrun with feral pets. Our race is a virus, burning out the natural resources of this planet. The greeks cut all the trees down for fuel. We are no different. I’m vegetarian, feel everyone’s pain, tell only the truth, and think we need to rediscover the tribe and get connected to others. I build homes, and the cost of materials is minimal. The housing shortage is political. Someone benifits financially from this and every other shortage. It’s the goverment regulations that prevent you from having space (we need to go back to having commons) and privatize everything (now water, a necessity for life).Zorro