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> Paris’s poor struggle to find decent homes

29 July 2005, 23:30

"It is truly sad that as we all see the excess the few have, the masses have none."

Not true. In the West, most of "the masses" have electricity, food, access to transportation, medical care, and running water (not to mention color TV with cable or satellite as well as air conditioners, if they live in warmer climes). Our rich are richer than the rich in the Third World, and our poor are richer than the poor in the Third World. The problem is not the difference between the rich and the poor, it’s poverty.

"The heart of the problem lies in overpopulation however."

Who are you proposing we get rid of, and how?

"We neuter our dogs and cats as to not be overrun with feral pets."

You propose neutering the Indians? What about Brazilians, Indonesians, British, Bulgarians, Americans, Somolis, Turks, Egyptians and French?

"Our race is a virus, burning out the natural resources of this planet."

Speak for yourself.

"I’m vegetarian"

. . . so was Hitler . . .

"we need to rediscover the tribe"

That isn’t doing anyone much good in Somolia.

"The housing shortage is political."

Correct—politicians trying to impose their will on market forces.

"Someone benifits financially from this and every other shortage."

Right—homebuilders like yourself provide a valuable service, through which they earn their daily bread, while those without homes end up with somewhere to go when it rains. It’s a win-win.

"It’s the goverment regulations that prevent you from having space"

. . . if you’re talking about real estate taxes, I’m with you 100% . . .

"(we need to go back to having commons)"

commons result in what economists call "the tragedy of the commons"—when something of value isn’t owned by anyone, no one has an interest in protecting it. That’s why fish stocks are being rapidly depleted around the world.

"and privatize everything (now water, a necessity for life).Zorro"

Zorro, I actually agree with you about water. You used to be able to get a cup of ice water at a restaurant or gas station at no charge, but that’s not true anymore. I don’t deny the RIGHT of these private citizens to sell water as a commodity, but I don’t think it’s very decent of them.