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> Cheney’s Plan: Nuke Iran

28 July 2005, 09:57

The Sheeple actually only have a very limited education, they know nothing of history and the 300 wars the USA has been involved in since WWII, the CIA covert and overt dirty actions all over the earth and continuing in several places today, or the corruption of their leaders who are in bed with big military idustrial corporations that make their money from the war industry. They do not know any geography, couldn’t tell you even now where Vietnam, or Iraq are...they can’t even tell you where Utah or New Mexico is. And they have no desire to know. Lazy people like to have someone do their thinking for them. They like to watch t.v. and stuff their faces, most Americans are grossly over weight and have t.v. fat stuffed between their ears. If they ever had a brain it has atriphied long ago.

Would you belittle a pig, or a cockroach? Because these lame human beings are the apple of Bush’s eye. He depends on them for his support. They will believe anything especially if you wrap it in some phony flattery and tell them that everyone else envies them. Its like dealing with the retarded. You just have to put it on t.v., that is how they are programmed, the thought process is bypassed and they just repeat what they hear.