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> Christians against Bush : spreading the truth about September 11th

29 July 2005, 09:16

Since Irans "Shaw" developed cancer in 1979, dying in 1980, this began the removal of Iraq from US "Terrorist Supporting Nation" Embargo, and the Reagan (see PNAC org) sending Rumsfeld to enlist Saddam in the US Oil Cartel war for Middle East (oil) control.
With lose of Iran and the Shaw, the CIA "SAVAK" secret police fell apart in Iran, this in turn enabled the religious order taking control away from the US Oil-Empire.
Had Reagan been unable to remove Iraq from US embargo, WMD sales that were began would have been illegal.
It is my opinion that regardless of Bush, the Bush Administration is a Satanic group, the evil uncovered daily is testimony to this fact. Unfortunately, the greater part of this nations population has also undergone significant degeneracy, this apparently means our nation will follow Bible prophecy.