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> Shut Up, War Critics

15 April 2004, 19:29

You see, when you’re telling a story like this.... here’s an idea! Have a point! It makes it so much more enjoyable for the reader!

Why wouldn’t the 9/11 hearings ask questions about the death of an unarmed American in Israel??? I’d have to go with the fact that they are "9/11 Hearings" and not "Israel/Palestine Hearings".

There is so much we could be doing to get along with one another. And, I don’t see any of that happening anywhere. It’s not just America/Britain and the Muslim countries of the Middle East. There’s so many biting words and insults that go around the world that really push the disdain further. The liberals complain, justly, that the Bush administration along with the Blair administration are given some passes by the media. Well, the conservatives also give the same complaints. They’re both right. The media just want you to watch "THEIR" shows and read THEIR papers. They don’t care what is printed (Jayson Blair), as long as people buy their papers.

I represent the myself here, no other party, group or country. I’d prefer the media of the world just print facts and statistics and allow us to decide on our own. I don’t think we need headlines to grab our attention, and I don’t think we need advertisements to increase your bottom line. Example: I’d love to see bullet statements of facts and statistics about a certain topic. Everything included. I don’t need poetry written into the article, just facts. I can’t say that it would bring in much money, but I do know that I’d read that paper over any other.