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> Israel, Iran, Mossad and a Nuclear False Flag Attack

29 July 2005, 10:56

Great work! Absolutely super writing and linking with a professional cohesiveness throughout. You are to be commended. It’s good to see you mention Michael Rivero who is in the forefront of the fight for clarity and freedom. You didn’t mention the Israeli moving van trying to smuggle explosives into Iraq through Kuwait, a similar event in the Phillipines and spying in New Zealand and many other countries in the world. It would appear that the Israeli’s are the most dangerous fascist operation going... and all I got was this lousy ’I guess I have to be an anti-Semitic" t-shirt.

From AIPAC to the neo-con putsch for war in Iraq, there is no question of a concerted effort to plunge the world into continuous reactions against manufactured enemies soley to further Israel’s hegemonic goals. I have to imagine they have some extensive campaigns of blackmail and coersion at work to be able to skate so deftly through so much criminal behavior.

Thanks for your courage and your candor.

Les Visible