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5 November 2005, 07:36

Thanks Clayton-
I’ve been sending the link to this article to all the news agencies since the 28th of July and finally this evening at 10PM MSNBC announced that Italy’s siismo was not responsible- but their EX agent Rocco Martino!!!!!! Now they’re all asking the big question... if Martino was fired, then WHY would he make such a document!!! I’m sure you’re watching the news. This has been one of the most exciting weeks of my life with Harry Reid, my Senator from Nevada motioning for a closed Democratic session and Patrick Fitzgerald (the Terminator robotic prosecutor) handing down indictments, yatta yatta yatta...
The SHIT has finally hit the fan and I’m celebrating. Monday morning is going to be very interesting. We might even see some of these guys from The Project for a New American Century running like cockroaches exiling themselves somewhere out of the U.S.!
I’m working on getting a nationwide radio show similar to Randi Rhodes goin with satellite radio here in the U.S. Actually, where are you located? I shouldn’t assume you’re in Italy.
thank you so much for submitting this article- you have helped mankind more than anyone I know.

Thanks again Clayton,

Barb Bjornsen

480 600 3852
Scottsdale, AZ