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> Cindy Sheehan: "The Secret Service is Trying to Intimidate Us"

8 August 2005, 03:33

I just want to send a message to Cindy and tell her to keep hanging in there and that she is a very brave person for saying what she feels . She is in our thoughts and prayers, and we will be keeping an eye on the news to see if Mr. Bush will talk to her personally or other developments. Stay strong Cindy, do not lose your courage! You are right to pursue a face-to-face talk with this man to get the truth out of him. We wish we could be there in person to camp out with you and the others but my husband cannot get off work and I am not a well person. If my husband gets a temporary lay-off by the end of Aug. we may just come down to Texas even though it would be a very grueling trip for me to take. I am concerned that our troops get out of Iraq but I must admit I have a personal interest as my own nephew who may be going there within the next four months. This will be the third round of a nephew of mine going there. IT is very nervewracking to say the least, but I cannot imagine losing a son in this war that we have been lied to as being just., it is not. Bill and Valerie Davis- Alton Iowa