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> Cindy Sheehan: "The Secret Service is Trying to Intimidate Us"

8 August 2005, 22:00

Notice that many times those crying for freedom give clear and concise messages, supported by facts, being compassionate and gathering together in mutual support, yet those who support this power-mad regime simply spew derogotory hate and insults? I see this on many blogs and in the news (Hannity or O’really anyone?) and think it is disgusting. In the eyes of the current misleaders and all who support them, if you support the administration, you are a patriot, but if you oppose them, you are a traitor. This is how Hitler came to power in Germany. It is how Mussollini came to power in Italy. The growing Fascism in America is scary and disgusting. It has the support of millions of misguided citizens who listen to Fox news and are brainwashed to support the regime. This literally is a conspiracy, utilizing Corporate media, mafia intimidation tactics and subversion of civil rights to reduce the voice of the opposition.

It is when true heroes and patriots, like Cindy Sheehan, stand up and hold fast that shows the hypocrisy of these brownshirts and their un-American activities. I salute and honor you, Cindy, for being a light in the darkness. If I could get to Crawford, Texas to support you, I would be there with my tent and sleeping bag, but alas I cannot. I would encourage any who can, though, to do so. If this turned into the largest gathering of anti-war demonstrators, along with the A.N.S.W.E.R. march in September, it would begin the process that will bring down these liars. It was not until the public began demonstrating in large numbers that the Vietnam conflict was ended, and the same will happen here.

Keep up the great work Cindy and me and mine will be praying for you and watching to see what happens.

Oh, and if Cindy should happen to be arrested Thursday, it would seriously backfire on the bushies if there happened to be several thousand people around at that time. "National Security" my eye! More like intimidation and repression. Thats the message that needs to be broadcast if such happens.