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> Cindy Sheehan: "The Secret Service is Trying to Intimidate Us"

9 August 2005, 06:24

I’ll answer your questions to Cindy for her:

if you did not call his actions assinine , you probably would have been able to meet with him again-
was your son drafted?

As an American born into a free-speech society where "dissent" was urged by the likes of Jefferson, Hamilton & Franklin (for starters), Cindy Sheehan has "every right" to say what she may. Check Google for * and his use of the middle-finger, more then several times, highly documented on film, long before becoming Cindy’s son Casey’s Commander-in-Chief.

And while your at it, check for Dick telling a fellow Congressional member to do that 2 letter word, right on the floor of the Senate. Oh, the "Culture of Corruption!"

Was her son drafted? No. But he was one of the very first troops to deploy meaning her son and Cindy certainly thought the war was based on truth. Later, like many Congressional members and American citizens, self included learned way too late that the war was based on "lies!"

Go to http://www.downingstreetmemo.com/ will ya. To even say anything negative of a mother whom sacrificed her son for folks like you is past disgusting, and by the way, how come you’re not over there in Iraq?

did you stop him from joining? Check above for your answer. Then, meet her deceased son, whom died in Iraq: http://www.angelfire.com/sk3/spkhntrca/Casey.html

you are here now fighting for your cause, but where were you when he signed up?

Her cause is your cause, get - it! Her son died for you.

and i guess it is presidents bush fault your unemployed.

You’ve no compassion. What does her unemployment have to do with this? And since you brought it up, if it were my son I’d quit my job in a heartbeat and fight for his honor.

mcdonalds and wal-mart are always hiring.

She won’t need to look for a job at McDonald’s or Wal-Mart when this if over. With the bravery, courage and patriotic stand she’s taking (the world is watching by the way), she’ll have no problem making it in life with just her dignity, honor and display of true American bravery.

Any other questions can be forwarded to your GOP! Because when you put a fallin’ hero of any war, especially the Iraq war because it’s right here and now and they’re over there dying for the gas you put in your car (Can you say Osama Bin-Forgotten and why?), you’re putting down all American’s that have either fought, died or returned home in all of our wars, and especially their loved-ones.

Show some compassion and courage by restraining your dis-respect for those that have suffered for you during this time. Try supporting her and her son Casey as they did when they believed the war was for something else.

Who knew our Guard would be deployed... who knew.