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25 August 2005, 20:32

Nico’s article over-reaches, includes at least borderline guilt-by-association in places, and spends way too many words on Peak Oil — especially for something he supposedly believes to be a only a mere "debunked psyOP scam".

Nonetheless, I still find the article to be of overall positive value.

False friendly misleaders such as David Kubiak, Kyle Hence, and John Judge need to be outed for what they are.

Not only do these people refuse to address (they’ll barely acknowledge) the Naudet video "flash frame", which is powerful simple visual evidence that 9/11 cannot possibly be blamed on Muslim hijackers (as ignored by the 9/11 Commission), but they also refuse to address the government’s own evidence which showed that whatever hit the Pentagon was too small to be a 757. (Also ignored by the 9/11 Commission.)

That’s precisely how a "limited hang-out disinformation campaign" would approach its function.

Worse, these false-truthers seek to smear, banish, marginalize, censor 9/11 truth sites which do look at such 9/11 evidence — evidence which blows the false-truth gatekeepers’ position right out of the water, as surely as it causes the government’s hokey 9/11 story to crumble. Of course, being accomplished, well-funded disinformationists, these gatekeepers are too slick to dirty their own hands with this task, which they out-source to that oilempire/Robinowitz site. This mechanism has the added benefit of keeping the many gatekeeper sites from even mentioning the 9/11 truth sites that the gatekeepers, on behalf of the government, are trying to suppress. (And that has the added side-effect of helping to keep the suppressed sites’ Google rankings lower.)

That stategy gets much of the credit for having prevented the truth about 9/11 from having moved via the internet.

Paul Thompson proudly traces the history of 9/11 back to "al-Qaeda", as does the U.S. government’s fraudulent cover story, just as National Geographic’s propaganda-reinforcing piece did once again for us all on Sunday.

Connect the dots and the truth emerges...