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30 August 2005, 00:47

Today forwarded to David Kubiak, head of 911truth.org, CCed to 25 other popular 9/11 researchers, -authors and/or -activists:

David Kubiak,

it’s time to finally speak out and please don’t send
your backers to do the dirty work for you.

There is some serious background information about
911truth.org and now you have the opportunity to speak
out in front of other popular 9/11 researchers,
 authors and -activists.
Your final answers will be mirrored here:

Please keep in mind, that 911truth.org member Nic
Levis aka Jack Riddler didn’t respond on any of these
informations yet and only tried to distract with
logistical issues of your so called "9/11 truth
protest march" and instead stated, that i fabricated

So let’s go through these facts step by step by
answering the following questions:

1) Are you still in touch with Russ George, who
presented seminars at U.S. Secretary of the Navy, NASA
Space Power Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory,
The Naval Research Laboratory, Lockheed Martin
Corporation and other military organisations?

2) You worked with Professor Dr. Y.C. Zhang at the
Tsinghua University.
Are you aware, that this University received donations
by the James Baker Institute and their Micro-Nuclear
Technology research?

3) Can you explain in one sentence, why this "cold
fusion" research is from any pratical use and how can
you assure an independent research, not abused by any
military influence?

4) Have you ever been in touch with japanese
intelligence or -intelligence contractors or US
intelligence or -intelligence contractors? What about
military contractors?

5) How was 911Citizen’s Watch able to rent space in
the very same building, when the first meeting of the 911
Commission took place?
Did the connection of some 9/11 family members help
and if so, who was it?

Did the connection of Guy Vantresca (ex-NSA) help?
Is Guy Vantresca still in touch with 911truth.org?

(In case you wanna refer to Kyle Hence to answer this,
it’s your choice, though Hence is still connected with
911truth.org via registration and public events)

Can you explain, why the "support" of the following
persons who signed your ’truth petition’, are helpful
for 911truth.org and the 9/11 truth movement?:

Rachel Ehrenfeld, Ph.D.-a member of the ultra-hawkish
neocon think tank, Committee on the Present Danger,
whose honorary chair is George Shultz (Bechtel).

Jim Garrison, Ph.D.-founder of the State of the World
Forum with Mikhail Gorbachev and co-founder with
Jesuit Daniel Sheehan of the Christic Institute, which
was widely suspected of deliberately bungling and
wrecking Iran-Contra investigations in the 1980s.

John Gray, Ph.D., -associated with weapon dealer Adnan

Daniel Ellsberg, ex-RAND Corporation employee, who’s
supportive of official negligence spin of 9/11

Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst, who’s supportive of
official negligence spin of 9/11

Melvin Goodman, former Senior Analyst, CIA, who’s
supportive of official negligence spin of 9/11

Morton Goulder, Deputy Secretary for Intelligence and
Warning under Nixon, Ford, and Carter. New Hampshire
venture finance tycoon Goulder was the founder of
defence electronics giant Sanders Associates which was
acquired by Lockheed/Martin in the 1980s and is now
known as BAE Systems.

John Cobb, Ph.D., associated with Club of Rome member
and former World Bank economist, Herman Daly (Daly has
also worked with the U.S. Sustainable Population
Policy Project).

Paul H. Ray, Ph.D., co-author of a 1974 report from
Stanford Research Institute together with Willis
Harman and Duane Elgin (Club of Rome). One of SRI’s
main funding sources is Bechtel (as in, George
Shultz’s Bechtel).

David Korten, joined the new generation of Club of

Why did you stop supporting former 9/11 Truth
presidential candidate John Buchanan, after he was
allegedly arrested by Secret Service?

Can you confirm, that you cancelled one speech from
Lauren Moyet at the DC "truth"-emergency conference
and if so, why?

Why do you think, it’s productive to let a 9/11 victim
speak at the anniversary march, who actually supports
the official story?
Donna Marsh O’Connor, Mother of Vanessa Lang Langer.

Do you believe that the current policy of 911truth.org
can stop fascism and a worldwar scenario between US,
Russia and China?

Why did you not vote for a protest anniversary march

Why are Nafeez Ahmed, Peter Lance and Danny Schecter
connected with 911truth.org, who actually support the
official story of 9/11?

What is your personal view of controlled demolition of
WTC 1, 2, 7 and the missing or contradictory BTS
records of the official flights on 9/11?

What’s your take on democracyNow!, ANSWER, United for
Peace and MoveOn.org, who are blocking the truth about
Why isn’t there a protest march against them, too?

Why did 911truth.org support John Kerry, having been
aware of rigged e-voting machines and his past at

Why did 911truth.org not look into the suspicious
background of the 7/7 london attacks?

Why did you write on 911truth.org, that "the next few
months will decide what, if any, September 11th truth
will ever be revealed for many years to come"?

Why did 911truth.org allow, that David Ray Griffin
wasn’t allowed to speak at the public Mckinney
What about Morgan Reynolds? Why wasn’t he invited into
the panel? Who took the decision for Paul Thompson,
who did not publicly speak out yet, that 9/11 was an
Inside Job?

Why do you allow a recently refreshed LIHOP/MIHOP diversion by Nic Levis,
who believes, that these labels can coexist with each

What’s the purpose of letting Ray McGovern (ex-CIA)
speak at public 911truth.org events, who did not
publicly speak out yet, that 9/11 was an Inside Job?

Who is payrolling David Kubiak, Nic Levis and
What’s your both regular jobs?