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> Democrats, take a stand

28 August 2005, 21:56

Helen you are an Angel, I have been a fan of yours for years, good to hear of you again. Keep up the good work.

I would like to get a draft "Mark Clark, Gen,USArmy Retired)" to run again for President. I am certain he could get the US out of Iraq pronto and not loose face while doing it, he did a magnificant job of ending the balkin conflict and setting up the means to put Slobodon Molosovitch befor the Hague for war crimes without loosing a single American.
The fact that he was once a Republican while in the military is not significant, most top brass in the military, no matter what branch claim to be Republican, at least they talk the talk and walk the walk so as to not go against the top brass.
The Democratic party needs a new face who is not ingrained in the good ol’ boy system. Clark has the brains and the experience of commanding a NATO force, a position that takes a lot of diplomacy to command the forces from many nations. He is the candidate I will vote for if he runs.

I spent 26 years in the military, 1957-1983 and I have seen how a screwed political war can go wrong from the beginning, Vietnam is the most well known, there were other adventures the US got involved or instigated that did not go as planned.

The old regimes of the two parties are too much ingrained in pork barell trade offs in attempts to stay at the trough to represent the majority of their constituants.
