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> Dear Settlers : "Dear" in the most literal sense

31 August 2005, 01:08

The Terrorist country of I$rael should be cut off from all funds, these blood suckers cannot make it by themselves. I$rael is also just a haven for the world’s jew criminals to run too after they commit their crimes. There are people in this country who can’t even afford their medicines after working and paying taxes their entire lives. How many of you live in a 200 to 350 thousand dollar house? alot of jews in I$rael do, paid for by our tax dollars. How much is their gasoline a gallon? It’s probably subsidized with our money also. They steal the land kill most of the people that lived there and then want us to pay them. Ever hear of the "Red Mafia"? They are Russian jews, but you will never hear them called that by our jew controled media.