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> Dear Settlers : "Dear" in the most literal sense

1 September 2005, 14:42

To assume power over a country or government, first you have to control the press. Then get all the dirt and filth on the politicians so you can control them. The ones that can’t be controled, are assassinated. How many of our politicians died mysteriously? (JFK & RFK) Then get your people into power positions in the FBI and CIA, both of these organizations have been purged. Remember when Bill and Hillery had all those FBI files in their closet? Then there is the military and the rich. No problem with our rich as long as they get richer. they are billionars now, millionars are a thing of the past. Now for the military, remember when Clinton treated and used them like lawn jockey’s? I also never saw so many generals of jewish decent. How about when both Madaline Albright and John Kerry didn’t know that they were jewish? The jewish population in this country is only about 3% yet they control our media, ever seen jews portrayed as bad guys in a speilberg movie? The amount of jewish senators and congressmen is out of proportion, bush has more jewish advisors around him then sharon has.