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17 September 2005, 09:54

I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said. When I was a young student living in Rome, Italy ( I am 58 years old now), I never thought that a U.S. president would one day destroy his own country’s constitution while launching a war of conquest in the Middle East that would drag the whole world into war, but that, I think, is exactly what is happening. I am convinced that the course the Bush Administration is following in the Middle East will lead to World War IV (if one considers the Cold War to have been World War III.) As British author David Icke has said, the American attempt to control the oil in the Middle East will bring it into conflict with both Russia and China, both of whom covet such control, and who consider the Middle East and its oil to be rightfully theirs. This conflict, I fear, will truly be "the war to end all wars," because there will be nothing left of the world but death and ruins when it is finished. The pitiful remnant of humanity that is left after the chemical, biological and nuclear weapons of all the combatants have done their work, and after famine and disease have accounted for those who survive the war, will gladly embrace the New World Order: the world totalitarian state predicted by George Orwell in his "1984."