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> The lengths people will go to prove a point...

13 September 2005, 11:27

It is really sad when a TV interview is fabricated and posted on a website for the sole purpose of getting each and every one of you that believed this was real to yell out "conspiracy, conspiracy!" I won’t say Bush is great, and we need more of him in office. That would be a lie. But I would never lie to prove someone else is wrong. Fortunately, unlike, it would seem, any of you, I live in Baton Rouge, LA, and there is no such thing as Parish President. That’s first and foremost. On top of that there is no official in Jefferson Parish named Aaron Broussard, yes I checked—the name was suspicious and too conveniently french to possibly be real. Notice, there is no station branding. What channel is this on? Some local station just happened to do a satellite interview with a Parish official that no one else witness on television except online and through this site, linked by that David Icke? Hah! Even if no one else believes me. I wont be fooled, not by Bush and definitely not by some two bit conspiracy theorists/con-artists looking to make a buck.