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> Question: Is Dick Cheney Dead?

6 September 2005, 08:39

The Red staters won’t even care about it, those people are only interested in one thing, that is what other people do in the privacy of their own homes, gay marriage, and shoving their Taliban religions down everyone’s throats. As long as someone is willing to preach their agenda and eliminate women’s rights and secular rights and teach moronic "creationism" in schools and remove separation of church and state from government protections and enforce prayer in school, etc., they don’t care who is the VP.

The funny part is that as their part of the country is increasingly in danger from mother natures rath, they are busy frantically worrying about other people’s beliefs and other people’s pivate business instead of worrying about the infrastructure in this country which is decaying. Decaying worse everyday, but the only money left after all of the phony terrorist war expendatures is allocated to the likes of Halliburton, KBR, Lockheed Martin, G.E., Rayethon, a dozen new "security" companies all owned by our politician’s Friends. The treasury is being emptied, we are 8trillion dollars in debt and the fat cats are off to their favorite stash places with the money.

The oil barons and the arms manufacturers rule, and the red staters get the booby prize a big fat nothing...