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> New Orleans tragedy: The 17th street levee was bombed

12 September 2005, 06:05

Many people of this great Republic of the United States of America are waking up to the fact that our government is a part of the Global Wealthy Elite which cares little about Life. Any New Orleans survivors need to do their research before returning even to Louisiana. See www.matrixinstitute.com then click on future map, then click on map of North America. You can order Gordon Robert Scallion’s book or maps which show the future of our coasts. For the truth about 91101 see www.fourwinds10.com , www.sunriseofthesolardisk.com, www.thelibertyclub.net/user/vicjo/ and numerous other links.

In printing these comments you will help our nation return to the Constitutional Republic our God and we all desire. Tyranny is supported by ignorance; knowledge will banish ignorance and thereby help win the victory over tyranny, carnage, oppression, and slavery. God bless us all! Victor