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> New Orleans tragedy: The 17th street levee was bombed

23 September 2005, 12:10

Bozo did not fight for his country...daddy got him a state side job with the national guard which he couldn’t even do and went AWOL (did you not pay attention?) where as Mr. Kerry did fight for his country in the immoral and illegal war called Vietnam (were you not paying attention?).

That is the trouble with you fucking Republipukes, you are too stupid to even know what the hell is going on ever. You should get an education...oh yeah, I forgot you are too stupid to be educated and that is why you do not know anything even if you pay attention...there is nothing up there so nothing sticks. You Bozos can be told repeatedly that your hero Bushturd is a fucking crook, and you still don’t get it. He can screw you over a thousand ways and you don’t get it.