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> New Orleans tragedy: The 17th street levee was bombed

6 October 2005, 02:07

I have been looking and listing to the news broadcast concerning the storms that hit New Orleans and other areas. I am a resident of New Orleans and do not understand why everyone in a position of authority has decided to destroy the lower ninth ward of this city.
The main thing is the news media is under the impression the lower ninth ward has suffered this type of devastation twice, and because of this the area is not safe. I understand news has to be censored for various reasons, but should this type of censorship continue at the expense of the poor black people of the ninth ward.
I will admit this is the second time the ninth ward has been flooded, but the first flooding happened because the mayor of the city at that time Victor H. Schiro blew up the levee in the ninth ward to keep the white sections of the city from flooding. I understand the news media reports the information that is given, but it appears the news media has been misinformed, once again.
It has also been reported FEMA will pay to have the ninth ward destroyed. If this happens, what happens to the people of the ninth ward? Will they ever come home again, or is this part of the big picture.
I would like to see the news media to do more investigating concerning the levee in the ninth ward. First verify the fact the levee was blown up, second what was the location of the charge, and third was this the same location that the levee failed during Katrina. This should make for interesting reading, and give everyone an idea of what the big picture really is. It seems every one has forgotten what really happened during Betsy, or just ashamed to report what really happened. I do not believe all the old timers in the ninth ward have faded away, they are still there, and I feel they would want the entire truth to be told, not a half-truth.
I have not seen any reporting of the Central City or Gert town areas of New Orleans. These areas are the neighborhoods where a lot of the poor people live. We would like to know what progress is being made in the areas where we live. Do we have power, water, or gas? The people in these areas are probably feeling unwanted. I can understand the Central Business District is the area that brings in money to the city, but the neighborhoods are the areas where the work force comes from.
In conclusion the decision on the ninth ward will be made be people who do not live in the city or understand what has made the city what it is. The second line everyone talks about, this started in the black neighborhoods. The Madi Grais Indians started in these same neighborhoods. The second line clubs and the Indians will be no more if the government does not get this thing right. Are the developers going to make the decision on what happens to the ninth ward, or will the people have a voice in this matter. According to the news report FEMA is making the city an offer it can not refuse to destroy the ninth ward. Every one has talked about the culture of the city, but what will the culture be like without the neighborhoods.