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> New Orleans tragedy: The 17th street levee was bombed

8 December 2005, 17:25

I believe it was the local and state governments of Louisiana who spent citizens tax dollars on everything else except maintainance and modernization of the levees!! Golf courses are more important to the Democrats of that state than their own people. If you want to blame anybody I’ll throw out a couple of names. Nagin & Blanco. Partners in stupidity.

There should be a poll of how many people would like to go live below sea level and live next to the fragile sea walls? aka "The Levees". I’ll bet anybody those two names (Nagin & Blanco) would never appear on the list. The President of the United States is not Superman. Nobody should blame anybody but Mother Nature and poor desicions by elected officials. People need to save themselves first. I would need so much proof of this supposed bombing to ever believe the tall tale. If this did occur than someone caused a major execution of human life! Maybe a group of thugs or mentally ill patients got together and caused their fellow citizens and pets to perrish?