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10 September 2005, 12:19

Someone needs to grab that muther fucker and give him a surprise drug test. The government now requires anyone who wants a two bit job to pass a drug test, the person who needs it most is Bush. If he isn’t using coke again, why did he say "What didn’t go right?" when he was confronted by Nancy Poloisi about the lack of FEMA’s response for two days after Katrina hit land and their confused and choatic course of action. Only an unfeeling psycopath high on coke would be so unfeeling and cruel. He is dangerous. The people deserve to have a president who isn’t a coke addict, afterall, he has the power to destroy all life on earth. He should be removed from office and sent back to Texas as a private citizen where he can not harm us.

If you think I am mistaken, watch him exercise his jaw when he has to speek before a crowd, look at his glazed over eyes. How can the people who are supposed to be watching him tolerate his drug addiction, maybe they are users too. If so we are all in great jeproady. Its one thing to be a drunk, but being also addicted to coke is dangerous for the rest of us.