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> Cynthia McKinney censored in congressional record- Is someone afraid of the word IMPEACHMENT?

14 September 2005, 16:04

I am reading your caution statement on here and I guess the only messages you want are those that is sugar coated nothing about how a true american feels. Wow what a shame, well here it goes anyway!

It is people like you that bring race into everything that goes wrong with America! Why don’t you come to my neighborhood and see just who the minorities are it will be a shocker for your records it’s NOT the big bad white people! You tell me why my child is bullied daily by black kids here are just a few sweet names my daughter has been called white whore, white trash, ugly fat white b***h, white heifer and so on. My mother is also verbally abused at work by and this may be a new word for you Reverse discrimination! What did my child have to do with slavery, what did I have to do with slavery, or my mother or grandmother, NOTHING! If you are so aware of how horrible people are being treated why didn’t you do something before the spot light came on to you, why was nothing done when Client or other democrats were in office. You have no right to pass your ignorant judgment upon people of any race! I wonder how many Jewish people did you witnessed being taking to camps? Take your racist remarks and go fester and rot in a corner, it is people like you that I now vote other than Democrat!