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> Cynthia McKinney censored in congressional record- Is someone afraid of the word IMPEACHMENT?

15 September 2005, 19:21

To bad they did not start to censor McKinney immediately after she began to speak, because she obviously does not have any understanding of the Local, State or Federal Emergency Procedures, not to mention her sources that were quoted might be just a tad suspect right. Of course not the media would never post a lie would it of course not. And she’s not a race-baiting fool is she? Well she may be a race baiter but she is certainly no fool. Nope the fools would be the ones that believe the crap she slung out. I guess she follows the reasoning that if one throws enough s@#t some of it is bound to stick. Nagin has no blame in what has happened in NO. He had a plan...only he decided to modify it slightly...To hell with City of NO evecuation Plan "everybody run...run fast." And Nagin was assisted by the wonderful effort by the LA Governor does’nt she cry so well on TV, now that wasd leadership. Oh yeah it was Bush’s fault alright, he should have known from the out set that the Mayor and the Governor to idiots had a plan in place to evacuate the citybefore the huricane hit. Oh that right he’s a racist...this storm was all a big plan to keep the blackman down. Same old story ...