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> Cynthia McKinney censored in congressional record- Is someone afraid of the word IMPEACHMENT?

16 September 2005, 05:32

I’m SHOCKED people are still defending Bush after the federal government refused to action aid to the people of New Orleans and Southern Mississippi. Our government is the world’s largest corporation, and like any corporation, when things go horribly wrong, the person at the TOP is to blame and is FIRED! George Bush has continually LIED to the American people, but yet people still sit around supporting his agenda because he goes to church.

It is time for the American people to take their government back from the throes of this dictatorship!! Step outside party lines and take a look at what is right and wrong with the present situation. We’re now offering $60 billion in aid to rebuild the region and Bush is accepting fault. For his fault the current and future American taxpayer is paying a dear price.

Do people now see the link between all the natural disasters, melting artic ice caps, rapidly decrease of the ozone layer and our lust for petroleum products to global warming? Yet our government doesn’t support the Kyoto Treaty. One of the most powerful countries in the world is turning a blind eye to the needs of the world we live in.

We’re also fighting a war that Bush started himself — this is not the war on terrorism. Where is Osama Bin Laden? If the war on terror and vindication of 911 is so important, why hasn’t *that* leader been brought to justice?

We now need to question why Halliburton, Bechtel, etc. have been ’awarded’ the cleanup and reconstruction efforts in the South. Surely there must be other competent companies that aren’t tied to the Bush/Cheney empire. What happened to open bids?!

PLEASE, stop looking at this as a race and/or religious issue. Wrong is wrong. Kindness begets kindness. We need to come together as a unified front and take our government back. Remember, united we stand, divided we fall? United WE, the people have control. Divided we’re being used as pawns in a game.

Checkmate George.