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> The Great New Orleans Land Grab-The 17th Street Canal levee was breached on purpose

16 September 2005, 06:36

I instinctively knew that the levee was blown using explosives by ’Black Ops.’ I also knew that
there would be witnesses and undoutably firefights between local ’Home Boys’ and the stink’n
Federal agents resposible. Most people thought I was crazy and still do, but these reports now
being posted at sights like this only verify the veracity of my gut instincts. Feds are always
’HELPING’ us at the end of a barrel. They got away without any real flack in Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, Waco Texas, 911, etc. Does this really suprise any of us who still can think for
ourselves and don’t need the Orwellian Boob-Tube to do it for us?