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> The Great New Orleans Land Grab-The 17th Street Canal levee was breached on purpose

16 September 2005, 08:25

will this be the turning piont for a mass wake up call to the slumbering joe public.one can only hope ,but i have seen some things come through the mianstream news about katrina.abc reported that the people on the ground heard bombs go off just as the levy broke,that one hit me by suprise.not to long ago the feds found oil reserves under new orleans,i have this feeling we will see iol fields in new orleans.if the neocons attemt to drill for oil after they evict everybody my hope is this could be the start of constitutional soul searching going back to grassroots politics and evict the constitution haters out of the whitehouse why stop thier next evict congress for not upholding thier outh to serve the people to protect then from evil creatures but dont stop thier we cant forget the justice dept for them turning a blind eye to the bushies anti american activities.so wil this be the event that wakes up joe public or will the next attack by our government be the real awakening ,i hope that katrina was the wake call.some people think that we can expect these monsters will try something soon some place els in the united states,but some other people believe bush will be impeached by time the primerys start for the next election i would like to believe the latter.it is time for us to watch them at thier every move instead of them watching our every move time to wake up america we are in a chess game for are freedom and its our move p.sgodspeed