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> The Great New Orleans Land Grab-The 17th Street Canal levee was breached on purpose

19 September 2005, 07:17

Good point. I can’t believe that all the rich people in America got that way because they stole from the poor. As Ayn Rand used to say "It’s impossible to get rich by stealing from the poor. They don’t have anything of value, that’s why they’re called "the poor!" A country full of slaves won’t make anyone rich, just look at North Korea for a handy example. At the most, it might make a very few comfy, but the energy expended, keeping three hundred million of us enslaved, would not make it worthwhile. It would make much more sense to enrich and empower a capitilist ecomony, in order to ensure a never-ending stream of consumers. Remember that the American dollar has been backed by the governments’ ability to tax Americans ever sinse we went off the gold standard seventy years ago. Without taxpayers, our currency would be worth zero, and if that happened, then the "rich" will lose everything.