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> Many Iraqis believe ’suicide’ bombings done by US to start a civil war

19 September 2005, 12:41

The iraqi Kurds are Wahabi Jews, just like the Saudi royals, the Taliban and Usama Bin Laden. USA never bombed the Iraqi Kurds for 15 years. Afghan opium production is up 10,000% thanks to the Afghan president who is a Knight of the British Empire. The Israli Mossad Jews work for their commie Jewish masters at MI6 in London, just like CIA. That’s who is bombing London and USA too, including New Orleans’ levees, that wiped out a whole city. Its the Jew World Odor. This is the problem we all have to figure out how to solve, since Isael has over 400 nukes, including suitcase tactical nukes - that can nuke US cities and blame Arab terrorists... Jew Donald Rumsfeld Sir Knight of the British Empire put Jewish General Tommy Franks in charge of invading iraq. Jewish chairman of joint chiefs LL Limnitzer wrote Operation Northwoods treason, to terror-bomb USA and blame Cuba, which included Israel attacking USS Liberty to blame Egypt. Hitler, Stalin, Lenin and Marx were Jews, along with Sir Churchill and FDR. Do you see the pattern here?