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> Ike Was Right About War Machine

5 October 2005, 18:32

There is nothing wrong about being left wing. I would like opinions of all sorts to make up the body of what I believe in and to help guide me to the truth. The biggest message of the left wing is that the RICH still steal from the POOR and exploit resources and labor. Is that not so?
Isn’t that the present state in this world?
Would you prefer the country club few, "the have mores", Bush’s subjects, to continually keep the populace and society at large at bay behind their machine gun squads?
Bush’s cronies are the ones that most benefit from arms sales. In response to the reader that is looking for the BIG ONE to hit: you sound like one of the 58 million that were brainwashed into believing that the big bad boogeyman is out there to eat us up. Check into CIA and FBI records to see how legally those agencies operate. They operate at will and with any means necessary.
The military infrastructure manufactures guns and missiles and then sends the CIA to infiltrate any given country to start trouble and turmoil so those guns and missiles can be sold on the market like bread and butter and milk, Mr. Reader. Read Robert Ludlum books, that’s where I get all my truth from.